Tag Archives: perfect

Roxi’s forest fruit cake

16 Mar

Last week my mom bought some frozen forest fruits because she wanted to make a tart. I told her to let me do a cake and since i didn’t find the kind of recipe I wanted, I combined other recipes and I made my own hell of a cake. It was absolutely delicious and my friends who had the chance to taste it can confirm.

Basically, we’re talking about an OREO base (the kind of base you do for a cheesecake), a chocolate mousse and forest fruits with jelly on top. It’s really EASY to make and soooo delicious.


BASE: 200 g OREO biscuits(with cream) and 150 g butter.

1. Smash the biscuits in the blender until you’re left only with some little grains.

1. Zdrobeste biscuiti in robotul de bucatarie(sau manual, dar ia mai mult timp). La final trebuie sa ajunga mici graunte, nici pasta nici bucati mari.

2. Melt the butter and pour it over the smashed biscuits, then mix everything well.

2. Topeste untul si toarna-l peste biscuitii faramitati, apoi amesteca bine. Vei vedea ca compozitia este destul de solida, nu se amesteca chiar asa usor.

3. After you mix them well, put the mix in the plate and press gently, like for the cheesecake.

3. Dupa ce amesteci compozitia, pune-o in tava si apasa, distribuie-o uniform. Eu am folosit o tava de tort cu pereti detasabili, dar cred ca poti folosi orice fel de tava daca nu ai pretentia sa scoti apoi prajitura din ea. Tapetarea cu folie a peretilor este suplimentara, iese bine si fara.

*If you don’t like how it turns out pressing with an instrument, go for your fingers. They’re the best tools here!

*Daca nu se preseaza bine cu lopatica/lingura, foloseste degetele. Sunt cele mai utile instrumente in cazul de fata.




I think this recipe could have been another post itself, because you can use this for soooo many other cakes!!

You need:

500 ml Liquid cream (frisca lichida)

160 g chocolate (2 tablete de ciocolata, putina in plus nu strica)

5 g gelatine (un plic de gelatina)


1. Hydrate the gelatine.

1. Se hidrateaza gelatina. Daca nu face spuma, nu e ok. trebuie sa arate asa:

2. Melt the chocolate with 150 ml cream.

2. Topeste ciocolata cu 150 ml frisca.


3. Mix the hydrated gelatine with the melted chocolate and leave it for 3-4 h. I left it in the fridge overnight.

3. Amesteca gelatina cu ciocolata topita in frisca si lasa sa se raceasca cateva ore. Eu le-am lasat la rece peste noapte, credeam ca e prea mult, dar mi-a iesit bine la final deci nu s-a intamplat nimic.

Before starting the next phase, whip the rest of the cream.

Inainte sa treci la faza finala, trebuie sa bati restul de frisca.

4. You’ll notice that the mix will harden, you have to be perseverent in stirring it until it changes color and loosens up.

4. Cand scoti amestecul de la rece, vei vedea ca e o chestie de ciocolata foarte tare si teapana. Trebuie sa o farami usor usor si sa amesteci pana revine la starea de crema si isi schimba putin culoarea. Eu am amestecat cu mixerul putin si am mai pus 2-3 linguri de friscabaututa ca sa-mi fie mai usor.

Continua sa amesteci pana se formeaza o crema consistenta.

5. Pour it over the biscuit base.

5. Aseaza crema de ciocolata peste blatul de biscuiti si uniformizeaza in tava.




The last phase is to put the fruits on top and to decorate the whole cake with some regular supermarket available jelly top. If you use frozen fruits, leave them to warm in a sieve and keep the juice for the jelly.

Pentru a decora ‘tortul’ trebuie sa pui pe deasupra fructe de padure si peste acestea un jeleu disponibil in comert (dr Oetker). Daca folosesti fructe congelate, lasa-le peste noapte la scurs si din sucul lor, amestecat cu zahar dupa gust poti sa faci jeleul mentionat.

*Tip. Leave the mousse to harden before you pour the jelly, because it will mix with the cream.

*Truc. Lasa crema sa se intareasca putin inainte sa torni jeleu peste ea, pentru ca se vor amesteca si va arata inestetic tortul.


Aranjeaza fructele simetric in tava si peste ele toarna jeleul. Lasa totul la rece si asta e prajitura 🙂

After you pour the jelly over the fruits, leave to cool and then serve. I have only one poor quality of the whole cake because I served it somewhere else than home and I didn’t have a decent camera available. (All the photos were taken with a cell phone, but the last is with a poor one lol).


I was so pleased with the result and I’m sure I’ll do this cake again. Cooking for me is experimenting, and if you find some other recipe for what I’ve done then try it, I did it my way and it worked! Now that I made you drool for something sweet, it’s time to go back to work!


Enjoy the kitchen later! :))

Care-i cadoul cel mai de pret?

29 Jan

Se apropie sarbatorile dedicate iubirii, atat Valentines Day cat si autenticul nostru Dragobete. Pentru cei aflat intr-o relatie, gasirea cadoului potrivit poate fi un chin…pentru cei single, fie o bucurie, fie o tristete. Nu am multe de spus despre astfel de zile, am doar o curiozitate…

Cati dintre voi, in goana dupa cadoul perfect, pierzand ore intregi prin magazine, ati uitat defapt ca cel mai important lucru intr-o relatie e sa fii langa persoana iubita, sa ii oferi acesteia TIMP si atentie? Va propun ca in acest an sa le oferiti celor dragi momente autentice, plimbari, excursii, calatorii, in functie de buget…oferiti-le celor dragi timpul dumneavoastra. Transformati o zi obisnuita intr-o amintire placuta, pentru ca la final nu va veti aminti ce-ati facut toata ziua, ci cum v-ati simtit. Nimic nu spune te iubesc mai bine decat un sarut si o imbratisare…dar pentru asta trebuie sa fiti acolo.

Dragi barbati din social media, sunt curioasa, voi ce le-ati oferi iubitelor? Ce parere aveti despre sugestia mea?

@ Manafu, @TudorChirila, @AdiHadean, @BobbyVoicu, @Piticu, @Blogatu, @Hoinaru, @Chinezu